Contaminated water translates to a high prevalence of diarrheal disease which can lead to death among children in Nicaragua. In the rural communities where AMOS works, less than 20% of families have access to safe drinking water.
To date, AMOS has installed over 1,100 water filters in 19 communities in conjunction with community leaders, GlobeMed of Rhodes College, many short term mission teams, and Aqua Clara International,. Maintained by local community leaders, these filters have proven to be effective in removing over 90% of the pathogens related to waterborne illness. Using a portable laboratory, we analyze samples of the water sources, the individual filters and storage recipients to ensure that community members receive the cleanest water possible.
Drinking clean water, however, is more than just having access to clean water. It also means knowing the steps to keep the water free from further contamination. We work with the local leaders to continually educate their communities about the use of the filter, its maintenance, and personal hygiene and sanitation.
- AMOS Health: Rural Community Health
This October, I have an opportunity to serve the people of Nicaragua and partner with AMOS as part of a team from First Baptist Church of Massillon, Ohio. I need to raise $1200 in support. Please help me in this mission!
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